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class PHPShopLang {
var $langFile;
var $doLang=true;
var $UndefinedLangValue=array();
var $createUndefined=true;
var $charset="windows-1251";
var $API_KEY='ABQIAAAA6omrd4WlIP7ZNsUTTc6uYhS_ps6EECQtukvcCEaHG66DCa_iExReO2aXIGbXVvsP9gKzBbXapVrZWQ';
function __construct($_classPath) {
if(!empty($_SESSION['lang'])) {
$this->langFile = $_classPath.'locale/'.$_SESSION['lang'].'.ini';
if(is_file($this->langFile)) {
if($langArray = parse_ini_file($this->langFile,1)) {
$this->doLang = $this->check($langArray);
else echo "Error parsing locale ".$this->langFile;
else {
function check($langArray) {
$langName = array_keys($langArray);
if($_SESSION['lang'] != 'russian') {
$this->LangValue['lang'] = $langArray['locale'];
if(!empty($langArray['charset']['html'])) {
$this->charset = $langArray['charset']['html'];
$this->lang_name = $langArray['charset']['code'];
return true;
function gettext($value) {
if($this->doLang and !empty($value) and !preg_match("/([a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]){4,15}/",$value) and !is_numeric($value)) {
$sourceValue = $value;
$value = PHPShopString::toLatin($value);
if(isset($this->LangValue['lang'][$value])) $locValue = $this->LangValue['lang'][$value];
else {
$locValue = 'Und: '.strip_tags($value);
$this->UndefinedLangValue[strip_tags($value)] = $this->translate(strip_tags($sourceValue),$this->lang_name);
}else $locValue = $value;
return $locValue;
else return $value;
function translate($text,$lang_name) {
$text = urlencode(PHPShopString::win_utf8($text));
$domain = "ajax.googleapis.com";
$fp = fsockopen($domain, 80, $errno, $errstr);
if (!$fp) {
return exit("");
} else {
fputs($fp, "GET /ajax/services/language/translate?v=1.0&q=".$text."&langpair=ru%7C".$lang_name."&callback=foo&context=bar&key=".$this->API_KEY." HTTP/1.0\r\n");
fputs($fp, "Host: $domain\r\n");
fputs($fp, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
while (!feof($fp)) {
$result.=fgets($fp, 1000);
preg_match('|"translatedText":"(.*?)"|is', $result, $locale);
return $locale[1];
function write() {
if(is_array($this->UndefinedLangValue)) {
foreach($this->UndefinedLangValue as $key=>$val)
$updateLang.= $key.'="'.$val.'";
if($this->doLang) {
if (is_writable($this->langFile)) {
$fp = fopen($this->langFile, "a");
if ($fp) {
fputs($fp, $updateLang);
$GLOBALS['PHPShopLang'] = new PHPShopLang($GLOBALS['_classPath']);
$GLOBALS['PHPShopLangCharset'] = $GLOBALS['PHPShopLang']->charset;
function __($value) {
global $PHPShopLang;
return $PHPShopLang->gettext($value);
function writeLangFile() {
global $PHPShopLang;
if($PHPShopLang->createUndefined) $PHPShopLang->write();